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Good News: A New Honor! LVTC Wins the Government Quality Award

Updated:2020-12-04 16:22|Hits:

From News Center (Reported by Qin Rina from Development Planning & Quality Management Office, Photos by Chen Yanfang) On the afternoon of September 1, 2020, the 2020 Liuzhou Quality City Work Conference and “Quality Month” Activity Launch Ceremony was held at the Wenchang Convention Center.

Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (LVTC) won “the 6th Mayor Quality Award of Liuzhou City 2019” and was awarded CNY 500,000, becoming the first non-manufacturing award winner.

The Mayor Wu Wei presented awards to the winners. LVTC’s President Gan Jinming accepted the award and shared the experience.

In 2013, LVTC took the lead in introducing the performance excellence model in vocational colleges nationwide, carried out systematic quality culture trainings, comprehensively established the quality awareness of everyone's responsibility, everyone's participation and pursuit of excellence, and explored and formed the LVTC’s innovative quality management mode of "Empowering You with Inventive Training". Participation in the evaluation of Mayor Quality Award for the first time and becoming a winner set a precedent for leading the school management with government quality award standards in vocational colleges and successfully applying for the establishment of government quality award.

In his summary speech at the conference, Wu Wei highly recognized that LVTC started to keep up with the pace of Liuzhou’s application for establishing a "National Model of Quality City" in 2013, took the lead in introducing the performance excellence model in higher vocational colleges, and explored an advanced quality management model with LVTC’s characteristics. He also stressed that quality prize will not only for manufacturing industry, but for education, health care, consumer services, producer services, administrative departments and many other industries and organizations in the future, which should work like LVTC who enhanced the education level constantly with the quality prize standards, cultivated craftsmen for the powerful nation and ultimately achieve the strategy of quality city.

In the future, LVTC will continue to respond to the central government's guidance on carrying out quality improvement actions actively, continue to implement the strategy of quality-based college improvement, and constantly improve the quality of talent cultivation and social service, so as to make greater contributions to the realization of high-quality development and the construction of a modern manufacturing city in Liuzhou!


Scene of the Conference


Mayor Wu Wei delivers A Summary Speech


LVTCs President Gan Jinming (Left) accepts the Award


LVTC’s President Gan Jinming makes An Experience Sharing


Certificate of Honor




LVTC’s Leaders and Teachers Attending the Meeting take A Group Photo